Madeline is a young woman who found herself in a scary situation: an unexpected pregnancy.

She was scared when she saw the positive pregnancy test, and did not want to think about the idea of parenting another child.

Madeline is the mother of three young children.

She started to contemplate abortion.

Madeline turned to her phone for answers about abortion, and came across a Heroic Media ad on Google.

She clicked the ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She had a 3-minute phone conversation with the receptionist, and agreed to come in for an appointment.

Madeline asked several questions about abortion procedures.

The nurse discussed abortion procedures, risks, and all of her options.

The nurse informed Madeline about the importance of knowing how far along she was in her pregnancy, so she
had an ultrasound.

After seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen, Madeline decided she could not go through with getting an abortion.

She chose life for her fourth child! Praise Jesus!