Madeline faced an unplanned pregnancy at twenty-two years old.

She is a single woman who has been pregnant one time before, but that pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage.

Madeline faced many fears when she found out she was pregnant again, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that showed an email contact form she could fill out, which would be sent to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Madeline emailed back and forth to a staff member at the center, and finally decided to come in for an appointment.

She shared that she is a Christian, and that the father of the baby is not someone she wants to have in her life.

Madeline also shared that she is out of a job.

Thankfully, the staff showed support and prayed for her situation.

Madeline decided to keep her baby!

She was grateful for the love and care that she received at Crossroads Clinic.