Madison faced an unplanned pregnancy, and her first thought was that she could not keep the baby.

She got pregnant with a man that she did not want to continue dating.

Madison searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Madison asked for abortion prices, and shared that she already called a few different places in the area.

She agreed to make an appointment for the same day.

Madison spoke with a counselor and had an ultrasound during her first appointment.

She shared that the baby’s father had already been involved in an abortion decision with another woman, and he did not feel that it was a negative choice.

The counselor encouraged her and listened to her concerns.

Madison left the appointment undecided about whether or not she would get an abortion.

She returned two weeks later for another ultrasound at 17 weeks pregnant, and chose life for her baby!