Mallory is a 34-year-old who faced an unexpected pregnancy with her long-time boyfriend.

She was not happy at first when she found out about her pregnancy.

She is the mother of 3 sons.

Mallory was overwhelmed, and did not think she could raise another child.

She told her boyfriend, and he supported her in any decision she wanted to make.

Mallory searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media, and she texted the phone number she saw on the screen.

She made an appointment, and came in a few days later with her fiancé.

Mallory shared at her appointment that she thought she was done having babies because her youngest is 9.

She was conflicted because she and her fiancé stated they are both Christians, and attend church.

Mallory had an ultrasound during her appointment.

She and her fiancé’s mindset changed as they saw their healthy baby on the screen.

They chose to parent their child!