Mandy is a 26-year-old who did not plan on getting pregnant, but she saw a positive pregnancy test, and was overwhelmed.

Mandy is currently separated from her husband, and in a relationship with a man who is four years younger than her.

She got pregnant with her boyfriend, and ended up telling both him, and her husband.

Both men encouraged her to get an abortion.

Mandy felt pressured, so she turned to the internet to look for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Mandy called the phone number she saw on her screen, and had a 6-minute conversation with a counselor.

She agreed to come in to talk more about her situation.

Mandy had the opportunity to freely share her concerns with the counselor at the center.

She felt much better about her pregnancy after consulting with the staff members.

Mandy wanted to fight for this baby.

In a follow-up appointment, she shared that her husband wants to get back together with her, and will support her and the baby, even though it is not his child biologically.

Mandy was overwhelmed by the support he has shown.

She decided to get back together with her husband, and chose life for her baby!

Praise the Lord!