“Margaret, you cannot be serious!

You cannot keep this baby!

You have to have an abortion!”

Margaret was utterly crushed.

Her parents’ words had cut her to the heart.

A young college student, and still highly reliant on her family, Margaret felt like their decision about her unexpected pregnancy had to be her decision.

Even so, Margaret had always thought abortion was deeply wrong.

She could not believe she was now in a situation where it seemed like this was her only option.

With continued pressure from her parents, Margaret felt she had to get an abortion.

She performed a Google search for information on abortion near her and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad connected her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Philadelphia, and she made an appointment for that same week.

At her appointment, Margaret shared her feelings about how deeply wrong she thought abortion was.

She shared the pain she was feeling because of her parents’ lack of support, and she shared her fears that she would not be able to support a child on her own.

The counselor assured Margaret that she was right to not want an abortion.

She told her about the many available resources she could turn to in the community, people who could help her when her family would not.

She told Margaret that she could be courageous for her child and that she could live according to her own strong convictions.

Margaret began to feel more hopeful, but was still unsure.

It was only when she saw her baby on the ultrasound screen that she exclaimed, “I could never end this life! No matter what my family says.”

Margaret chose life for her precious child that day!

Praise the Lord for Margaret’s courageous decision!

Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid
of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you.