Margaret is a 36-year-old who began to seek information about abortion shortly after finding out she was pregnant by surprise.

She is the mother of four children, and had one miscarriage in the past.

Margaret was told by her doctor to not get pregnant again because she experienced health concerns during her last two pregnancies.

Margaret was terrified when she saw the positive pregnancy test.

She started to contemplate abortion, so she turned to the internet for answers.

Margaret clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in San Antonio.

The receptionist encouraged Margaret to come in for an appointment.

Margaret expressed other concerns besides her health problems.

She was concerned that her baby’s father was cheating on her and would not be supportive.

However, after having an ultrasound, Margaret decided that her baby should not have to suffer loss because of that.

She chose life for her baby! Margaret’s expected due date is on September 6, 2018.

Praise God!