Maria is a young teenager who discovered she was facing an unplanned pregnancy.

She and her mother felt that she was not capable to parent a child at the time, so they searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Maria clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in with her mother the next day.

Maria agreed to be counseled and educated about abortion risks and procedures.

The staff also gave her guidance on continuing her education. Maria and her mother were moved by the compassionate care the staff offered them.

Maria responded well, and felt confident that she should not abort her own child.

Though she knows there will be challenges, she chose life for her child! She was so happy to have support that she hugged the counselor in gratitude.

Maria said the father of her baby was not happy that she decided to parent, but her mother expressed support for her daughter and grandchild.

We are so grateful that Maria and her mother’s eyes were opened to the miracle of life inside her womb!