Mariana is a young, 18 year-old who faced an unplanned pregnancy.

She was told by a doctor that her baby would likely be malformed, so she did not know if she wanted to continue her pregnancy.

Mariana searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media Google ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media

Mariana made an appointment, and agreed to come in a few days later.

She met with a counselor who went over the physical and emotional risks of abortion, and showed a video about abortion procedures.

The counselor showed Mariana her support, and referred her to a pro-life doctor.

Her partner was supportive of the pregnancy, and the couple agreed to go see a pro-life doctor.

Mariana was happy when she found out her baby’s heartbeat was beating perfectly.

She chose life for her precious child! Praise God for sustaining this life!