The work of inspiring hope in the hopeless can look something like the work of a midwife.

It is gentle, quiet, and incredibly patient.

It was this kind of assistance on the journey toward hope that changed Marina’s life.

Marina was feeling hopeless when she found out she was pregnant, and feeling certain that her only option was an abortion.

In her experience with friends, and even her family, abortion was “more normal” than carrying your baby to term.

That, combined with her young age and wounds from her past, left Marina set on choosing abortion to end her unexpected pregnancy.

Marina took to the internet to search for abortion information.

She performed a Google search and clicked on a Heroic Media ad which connected her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Philadelphia.

She set an appointment with the center, intent on getting an abortion.

Marina arrived for her appointment determined in her choice.

She was told that she was too early in her pregnancy to even have an ultrasound.

Her counselor encouraged her to take some time before finalizing a decision as monumental as aborting her baby.

She told Marina she could return to the center for an ultrasound and reminded her that time was on her side.

At every opportunity, she tried to instill in Marina a spirit of patience.

s soon as Marina left the center, her counselor and every prayer warrior the center could reach started storming Heaven, praying that Marina would return for an ultrasound and give herself enough time to grow in love for her tiny baby.

Weeks later, to the great joy of everyone in the center, Marina walked back through the door.

The patience and persistence of her counselor in prayer and in lovingly reaching out to her had birthed new life and new love in Marina.

Against all odds, Marina firmly stated her change of heart and her commitment to choosing life for her baby.

Praise the Lord!

Ephesians 4:2: “Be completely humble and gentle;
be patient, bearing with one another in love.”