Mary is the mother of an 18-month-old child, and she faced an unintended pregnancy with her boyfriend.
After taking a pregnancy test and seeing the positive result, Mary instantly turned to her phone for information about getting an abortion.
She walked through the doors of a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media after clicking on a Heroic
Media Google ad that led her to call and make an appointment.
The nurse confirmed that Mary was 7 weeks pregnant.
Mary asked questions about abortion, and shared that she did not feel she could carry her baby to term.
She opened up about the rocky relationship she was in with her boyfriend who she described as ‘untrustworthy.’
Mary also stated that she was juggling between three jobs, but recently got a full-time promotion, which will enable her to work one job.
A peer counselor listened to Mary as she expressed hesitation and concern for this pregnancy.
Mary left very encouraged, and was grateful for the support she received.
She chose life for her baby!