Maureen is the mother of a young child with cystic fibrosis.

She found out she was pregnant unexpectedly, and was overwhelmed after seeing the positive pregnancy test.

Maureen told the father of her baby, who is her fiancé, and they both agreed to search for information about getting an abortion.

Maureen clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in New York.

She spoke on the phone with a receptionist for 6 minutes before deciding to make an appointment to come

Since Maureen called around Christmas time, she waited a couple weeks to visit our partner.

Maureen brought her fiancé to the appointment with her.

She shared with the staff about her current situation. The father of her child with cystic fibrosis is another partner.

Maureen was worried about this pregnancy, knowing all she had to go through with her other child.

She had an ultrasound that day, and she and her fiancé’s face lit up when they saw their baby moving on the screen.

The ultrasound revealed a healthy, 10-week-old baby.

Maureen’s fiancé was waving at the screen, and they both knew in that moment that they could not choose to abort their baby.

They chose life! Praise God!