Maya is a young mother of one daughter.

She was with her boyfriend for seven years with her first pregnancy, but after they broke up, she began dating someone else.

She faced an unexpected pregnancy, and was unsure who the father was.

Maya told both of them about the pregnancy.

She was confused, not knowing what to do.

Maya wanted answers about getting an abortion, so she searched online.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Maya called to set up an appointment a few days later.

Maya walked into the clinic with her mother.

She met with one of the counselors to talk about her situation.

Maya stated that she was going through turmoil when she found out she was pregnant with her first daughter, so she started to think about abortion with this pregnancy.

Maya shared that her daughter was the best thing that happened to her after holding her in her arms.

After talking with a counselor, and hearing about abortion procedures, Maya decided that was something she did not want to do.

She chose life for her baby!