Maya learned that she was pregnant by surprise at 26 years old.

This was her first pregnancy, and she had many questions.

Maya was unsure about the future she had with her long-term boyfriend.

Because of the uncertainty, Maya started to consider abortion.

She turned to the internet for answers about abortion.

After Googling a question about abortion, Maya clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and agreed to come in the next day for an appointment.

Maya sat down with a client advocate to talk about her fears and questions.

She shared that she had plans to go to nursing school, and was afraid that if she had a baby, it would interfere with her plans.

She had an ultrasound, which revealed a healthy, 6 week pregnancy.

The client advocate helped Maya feel confident about moving forward with her pregnancy because she has strong support from her mother and boyfriend.

Maya decided to continue her pregnancy after seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen and receiving counsel.

Praise Jesus for connecting her to this life-affirming center!