McKenzie is a high school student who faced an unplanned pregnancy.

She and her partner were close to graduating from high school.

McKenzie feared what her future might look like as a young mother, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad, which led her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

McKenzie called the center and made an appointment to find out more about getting an abortion.

At the appointment, the staff confirmed McKenzie’s pregnancy and discussed pregnancy options.

The sonogram showed that she was well into her second trimester.

She watched an adoption story video, and was given a list of adoption agencies in the area.

McKenzie became open to giving her baby up for adoption instead of terminating the pregnancy.

A few days later, a nurse at the clinic followed up with her.

McKenzie shared that she was making an adoption plan for her baby and chose life!

We are thankful for the wonderful gift of adoption, and for the family that will adopt this baby.

Praise God for His provision!