Meghan is a married woman in her late 30’s.

She and her husband have children together, but were not planning to have another.

Meghan found out she was pregnant, so she suddenly became worried.

She turned to the internet, and searched for getting an abortion.

Meghan clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Because she was scared to call, Meghan filled out the email form, seeking information about her options.

She agreed to come in with her husband for an appointment a few days later.

Meghan had a pregnancy confirmation and ultrasound during her appointment.

She described her situation, and shared that her and her husband had many things going on at the time so they felt overwhelmed about parenting another child.

They left the center not knowing what they wanted to do.

However, the staff reached out a week later, and Meghan said, “We decided to take the blessing.”

Praise God for saving this baby from abortion!