Melanie is an 18-year-old who found herself pregnant unexpectedly.

She was scared and wanted to “take care of it” as soon as she could.

Melanie searched on her phone for information about the abortion pill.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad on Google, which connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Melanie texted the number she saw on the screen, and agreed to come in for an appointment a few days later.

At the appointment, Melanie learned more about her options.

She was 11 weeks pregnant, so the counselor informed her that she was too far along to take the abortion pill.

Melanie had an ultrasound, and asked if everything looked healthy with the baby.

Her heart and mind began to change.

The counselor also shared about God’s love with permission.

After the ultrasound, Melanie decided she wanted to continue her pregnancy!

She was grateful for all of the support she received at this life-affirming clinic.

Melanie thanked the counselor and hugged her as she walked out the door.

Praise God for saving this mother and child from the hurt of abortion!