Melanie was shaken to the core. The man she loved, her boyfriend, was married!

He had been lying to Melanie and to his wife.

Melanie felt sick and did not know whether it was this news or her pregnancy that was making her feel this way.

She needed to do something to make this sense of total helplessness go away.

Pulling out her phone, she typed “abortion” into the Google search bar.

Clicking on a Heroic Media ad, she was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.

Melanie made an appointment and came to the center, sharingher relationship woes with her client advocate.

The pain she felt from the betrayal was excruciating.

Melanie told her client advocate that although she was set on getting an abortion, the father of the child wanted her to keep the baby.

Focusing on Melanie and what she was going through emotionally, the client advocate tended to her needs.

She went over every option that Melanie had and explained to her what an abortion procedure actually entails.

She encouraged Melanie to recognize her own strength and to use that strength for herself and this tiny human she was carrying.

By the end of the visit, Melanie seemed to be have a more open heart.

And by the time her client advocate followed up with her after the appointment, Melanie shared that she had been so encouraged by the appointment and so empowered by the information she’d received that she had chosen life for her baby! Praise our Awesome God!