Melissa faced a teenage pregnancy at age fifteen.

She was shocked when she saw the positive home pregnancy test.

Melissa felt that she had no other option but abortion.

She told her mother and boyfriend about her pregnancy, but did not share with her mother that she was considering abortion.

Melissa searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that
connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number on the screen, and set up an appointment.

Melissa brought her mother and boyfriend to the appointment.

A peer counselor met with all three of them, and shared information about all of Melissa’s pregnancy options.

As Melissa opened up about considering abortion, her mother shared that she was unaware this was on Melissa’s mind.

Melissa stated that she was scared and thought abortion was the best option at her age.

Melissa’s mother told her that she would support the pregnancy and help her raise her baby.

Melissa was grateful to hear about the support around her.

She became more open to parenting her baby.

After having an ultrasound, Melissa decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise God!