Melody felt like every circumstance was lined up against her.

She could see it all like writing on a wall, each circumstance giving her a name she did not want.

Hurting: She had already had an abortion and still felt that pain.

Single mother: Her boyfriend had left her and their 5 children to fend for themselves.

Poor: She was not financially stable.

An unexpected pregnancy at this point in her life seemed to point to only one response: Abortion.

Melody searched for abortion information on Google and, after clicking on a Heroic Media ad, was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.

Melody came into the center feeling ashamed and defeated.

Her client advocate sat down with her and gave her a space to share everything she was feeling.

She could see Melody was weighed down by heavy chains.

Carefully, patiently, her client advocate spoke words of truth, dismantling every lie Melody believed.

Melody: You are redeemed and made new.

Melody: You are a capable and strong mother.

Melody: You are rich in love and you are totally supported by this community to assist you and your family.

Every lie Melody had believed was defeated and the truth was made clear.

Enveloped by the love and support of the center, Melody chose life for her baby and a new future and hope for herself!

The Lord makes all things new!