At 27 years old, Michelle found out she was pregnant.

She had not intended on getting pregnant due to tough personal circumstances.

Michelle instantly turned to her phone for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in San Antonio.

She instantly asked if our partner provided funding for abortion.

The receptionist explained the services offered at no cost to her, but explained they do not provide or refer for abortions.

Michelle agreed to come in for an appointment right away.

Michelle shared with the staff that she is the mother of one young son who is living with his father’s mother due to legal issues.

She is not in a relationship with her baby’s father, but he expressed that he would support any decision she made.

Michelle had an abortion almost four years ago because of addiction problems.

She shared that she is trying to get her life back on track.

After the sonogram, Michelle decided she will continue her pregnancy! She expressed strong interest in placing her child for adoption because she believes this is best for her child.

Praise God for Michelle’s courage to say yes to life!