Mikayla is a young high school studentwho found out that she was facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Because of the shock and fear, she immediately searched for information about abortion on her phone.
Mikayla clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
She made an appointment with the intention to get an abortion.
Mikayla shared that she believed abortion was wrong, but she closed herself off to these emotions in the midst of a tough situation that took her by surprise.
The staff counseled Mikayla by helping her sort through emotions she was trying to ignore.
At her ultrasound appointment, Mikayla discovered that she was carrying twins and she said there was no way she could still consider abortion.
Her mother was supportive and understanding of her decision to have both of her babies.
We are praising God that two lives were saved, and that Mikayla had the courage to carry them!