Molly finally felt like her life was on track.
She had left her unhealthy relationship and was now focused on making a better life for herself and her two children.
She was gearing up to finish her degree and preparing for a better future.
Finding out she was pregnant felt like getting thrown right off the tracks.
She had to keep going.
Molly pulled out her phone and searched for abortion information, clicked on a Heroic Media ad, and was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.
Molly arrived at the center, determined to get an abortion.
The client advocate gave Molly the space to work through all of her emotions and she began to open up.
Molly told her advocate that she had shared the news of the pregnancy with the father of the baby and he had told her there was no other option besides abortion.
She said that her parents offered to help her and that their door was open for her and all three of her children to come live with them.
She also shared that she had an abortion in her past, and that the wounds she had from that loss were still with her.
Her client advocate affirmed Molly’s motherhood and assured her of God’s great mercy and that forgiveness and healing were possible.
When it came time to see the ultrasound, Molly was blown away as her perfectly developed 16-week-old baby appeared on the screen.
Amazed by the sight of her baby and encouraged by the love and support of her client advocate, Molly was able to choose life for her child!
Praise God!