Molly was determined to get an abortion when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She is a 37-year-old, disabled, and her boyfriend is unemployed.

Molly was waiting inside Planned Parenthood when she decided to do a Google search for other clinics.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Molly left Planned Parenthood as she was in the waiting room, and headed to the center for an appointment.

Molly met with a few staff members to talk through her options and have an ultrasound.

The staff assured her that she would be provided with materials, medical care, and more.

Molly’s perspective changed when she saw how she was loved and cared for by the staff.

During her appointment, she had an ultrasound, and was far enough along to find out the gender of her baby.

Molly chose life!

She asked the sonographer to put the announcement of the gender in an envelope for her and her boyfriend to open at home.

Praise God for saving the life of this beautiful boy!