Morgan faced an unintended pregnancy as a 31-year-old.

She found out she was pregnant with her fiancé who she lives with.

They each have one child from another relationship, and one child together.

Morgan found out that her fiancé was unfaithful to her recently, so she was unsure about the future of their relationship.

Morgan started to contemplate abortion.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Morgan spoke with a counselor on the phone about her situation, and the counselor recommended that she should
come in for an ultrasound.

Morgan agreed, and came in the next day.

At her appointment, Morgan had the opportunity to meet with a peer counselor, and talk through her fears and ask questions.

She shared that she has been a Christian for several years, but had not been to church since she left her abusive ex-husband.

Morgan learned about abortion information, and had an ultrasound.

After seeing her baby on the screen, her mind began to change.

She and her fiancé chose life for their baby!

Praise Jesus!