Nicole felt unsure about everything.

The past year had been the most difficult year she had ever experienced, both emotionally and financially.

She was struggling with providing for and parenting her 9-year-old and her 2-year-old.

Her boyfriend had been supportive, but she felt disconnected from him.

Nicole wondered if she had depression, but did not give it too much thought.

It was probably these pregnancy hormones…

She hated being pregnant!She was thinking maybe abortion was the answer.

Searching for abortion information on Google, Nicole clicked on an ad at the top of the page.

It was a Heroic Media ad, and it connected her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.

Nicole came in for her appointment, still not sure of what she really wanted. When she was able to sit down with her client advocate, Nicole shared how unsure she felt about everything.

She said she was physically miserable during pregnancy and already overwhelmed with her two children.

Nicole’s advocate counseled her with words of hope and of life.

She told Nicole that she deserved a full life and so did her preborn baby.

She told Nicole there were resources available to help her have an emotionally and physically healthy pregnancy and to assist in any other struggle she was encountering.

She affirmed Nicole, telling her she was strong and capable and that the center was there to support her every step of the way.

Nicole’s heart was moved. Empowered by love, she made a decision for life!

Nicole and her whole family are joyfully anticipating the birth of this new baby!

Praise God!