Noelle is in her mid-twenties, and found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She instantly began to consider getting an abortion.

Noelle did not think she could handle having a baby because of her financial situation.

She came into a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media after searching on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicking on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad led Noelle to text the phone number she saw on the screen, and she set up an appointment to come in the next day for an appointment.

Noelle walked through the doors not knowing what to do with her pregnancy.

She had many questions, and sat down with a peer counselor to talk about her situation.

Noelle learned about abortion procedures and risks.

She was grateful to learn more because she had not thought about the possible effects.

Noelle received an ultrasound, showing a healthy baby on the screen.

Her demeanor changed.

She was more excited after hearing her baby’s heartbeat.

The counselor talked about the parenting program offered at no cost to Noelle.

She decided to enroll in the program, and chose life for her baby!