Olivia faced an unplanned pregnancy as a young, 17 year-old.

She was scared after she found out, so she told her mother.

Olivia’s mother was adamantly opposed to her daughter having a child, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion for Olivia.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Olivia’s mother made an appointment for her daughter, even though her daughter did not want to have an abortion.

Olivia, her boyfriend, and her mother came in for an appointment the following day.

Olivia had an ultrasound during the appointment.

She saw the scan of her 10 week baby, and was amazed.

Olivia’s mother was also in the room for the ultrasound, and her mindset changed after seeing the image of her grand baby on the screen.

She suddenly became supportive of her daughter having this child.

Olivia and her mother walked out of the clinic supporting the life of this baby!

We are so thankful to see God change the heart of a grandmother, and give courage to the mother of this child.