Olivia is a 39 year-old woman who is the mother of one daughter.

She is currently going through a divorce, and found herself facing an unplanned pregnancy with another man.

Olivia feared that her husband would take their daughter away from her, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Olivia agreed to come in for an appointment a few days later.

At the appointment, the staff confirmed that Olivia was 5 to 6 weeks pregnant.

She allowed the counselors to walk through options with her.

The staff affirmed that Olivia is a great mother, and showed her the support she needed as she faced a tough situation.

She became open to the idea of parenting, despite the challenges she faced.

Olivia walked out of the center choosing life for her baby!

Praise God for saving this beautiful child from abortion.