Olivia is a 32-year-old who did not expect to get pregnant again.

She has five children who live with her family in Chicago, and her youngest who is 6 months old is in CPS custody because Olivia’s boyfriend has been physically abusive.

Olivia did not tell him about this pregnancy because he has been absent.

She was overwhelmed, so she turned to the internet for answers about abortion.

Olivia clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a staff member on the phone, and agreed to come talk about her options.

Olivia shared that she is currently unemployed, and focused on taking classes and counseling with CPS in order to get custody of her 6-month-old.

She also said she was “trying to get the money together for the abortion.”

Olivia’s CPS counselor referred her to an abortion clinic that could possibly “fund” the abortion in a city nearby.

The baby measured around 15 weeks.

After the sonogram, Olivia shared that she could not abort the baby now.

She saw her baby move on the screen, and she knew she wanted to continue her pregnancy!