Paige faced an unexpected pregnancy at age 30. She is the mother of a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old.

Paige was experiencing legal problems, so she does not currently have custody of her two children.

She was terrified when she learned that she was pregnant.

Paige thought abortion was her only viable option, so she turned to the internet and searched for information.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Dallas, Texas.

Paige spoke with a receptionist on the phone for a few minutes before scheduling an appointment to come in.

Paige instantly opened up about her situation when she sat down with a peer counselor.

She talked about the instability of a job and her living situation.

She opened up about her struggle with a drug problem.

Paige expressed that she did not want to get an abortion, but she felt she had no other choice.

Thankfully, her boyfriend’s family was supportive of her pregnancy, and offered to help support her.

She and her boyfriend came back in for an ultrasound.

Paige’s boyfriend burst into tears when he saw their baby on the screen.

Paige and her boyfriend courageously chose life!