At age 22, Pamela faced an unintended pregnancy for the first time.

She took a pregnancy test at home, and told her boyfriend the news.

They doubted their ability to become parents, and Pamela faced some health problems, so she was afraid of
carrying a baby in her womb.

After telling her boyfriend, he searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected him to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in San Antonio.

He spoke with a receptionist initially, then handed the phone to his girlfriend to explain what was going on.

She walked in the same day with her boyfriend.

During the appointment, Pamela opened up about eating disorder struggles she had.

She was concerned this would affect her baby, so she considered an abortion.

However, after having an ultrasound, Pamela became more confident in parenting her child.

She learned that her expected due date is on October 6, 2018.

Pamela and her boyfriend decided to choose life!

Praise God!