Paula is a young, 18-year-old who faced an unintended pregnancy with her boyfriend.

She told her parents, and they instantly wanted her to get an abortion.

Paula’s mother searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago.

She spoke on the phone with a receptionist, and scheduled an appointment for her daughter to come in the next day.

Paula walked through the doors feeling emotional and scared.

She stated that her mother wanted her to get an abortion because she did not like her daughter’s boyfriend.

Paula’s boyfriend had a history of drug dealing, and was on house arrest at the time she found out she was pregnant.

Paula stated that she did not want to have an abortion because she felt that having a child would give her motivation to finish college.

She felt pressured by her mother.

However, after learning about the side effects and risks of abortion, Paula’s mother soon realized she did not want her daughter to have an abortion.

Paula decided to continue her pregnancy, and her mother expressed that she would support her!

Praise God for this change of heart!