At twenty-two years old, Peyton faced an unplanned pregnancy.

She felt that abortion was her only option so she began to search on her phone for the nearest abortion clinic.

Peyton clicked on a Heroic Media ad, which connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the pregnancy clinic and made an appointment for the same day.

Peyton professed to be a Christian but still struggled with the idea of parenting her child.

The counselor walked Peyton through her options and shared with her that God is in control and He is the Author of all life.

Peyton was encouraged by this truth and agreed that God has a plan and purpose for her child’s life.

She shared that if her baby could be heard, he or she would want to be given the right to live.

Peyton’s boyfriend supported her in either choice she would make.

We are praising God that her heart was softened after seeing her beautiful baby on the ultrasound, and Peyton chose life!