Quinn is a 16-year-old teenage mother.

Her baby is a year old, and Quinn found herself pregnant unexpectedly again.

She was overwhelmed after finding out this news.

Quinn was afraid to tell anyone about the pregnancy, and she turned to the internet.

After Googling information about getting an abortion, Quinn clicked on one of the first ads she saw – a
Heroic Media ad – and was connected to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called phone number, and had a 5-minute conversation with a receptionist.

Quinn agreed to come in for an appointment the next day.

The peer counselor met with Quinn, and went over the questions she had about abortion, and all of her options.

Quinn expressed that she was considering an abortion because she was unhappy about this pregnancy, and she was
overwhelmed as a teenage mother already.

She is still in school, and unsure how she could possibly parent another baby.

After having an ultrasound that revealed her 7-week-old baby, Quinn decided to choose life!

She knew she could not go through with getting an abortion.

Quinn has follow-up appointments with our partner, who will continue to walk through the process with her.

Praise God!