Rachel faced an unexpected pregnancy with her husband.
She and her husband did not want to have children, and were shocked to find out they were pregnant.
Rachel began to think about what she should do.
She looked online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
Rachel and her husband came in for an appointment.
During the appointment, Rachel shared that she did not have a support system.
The counselors assured her of the support system she has in them, and that they are willing to help encourage her.
Rachel felt better when she thought more deeply about her situation—she is married, and she and her husband both have a job.
She had an ultrasound, and after seeing her baby on the screen, Rachel knew she could not follow through with an abortion.
She canceled her appointment with Planned Parenthood the day she chose life for her baby!