Rachelle is a 26-year-old who found herself pregnant for the first time.

She was scared to become a mother, and became fearful immediately when she found out.

Rachelle told her partner about the pregnancy.

His advice was to get an abortion because he did not feel prepared financially, but she was unsure.

Rachelle searched on Google for information about her options, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a counselor, and came in for an appointment the next day.

The nurse confirmed that Rachelle was 8 weeks pregnant.

Rachelle had an ultrasound and options counseling. Her partner also came to the appointment with her.

He was very attentive and willing to ask many questions.

After the appointment, Rachelle and her partner decided they wanted to parent their child!