Reese found out she was pregnant unexpectedly with her husband.

She was unsure about what she wanted to do in the moment.

She shared the news with her husband, and he responded negatively.

He did not want her to have a baby.

She started to feel pressured by him.

Reese’s husband searched online for information about an abortion for his wife.

He clicked on the first Google ad he saw, a Heroic Media ad, and called the phone number he saw on the screen.

The ad connected him to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Reese’s husband made an appointment for his wife to come in the next day.

During the appointment, Reese shared that she was concerned about the pregnancy because of the medicine she was on.

She asked a lot of questions.

The counselor offered support and provided information about her concerns and abortion risks.

Reese left her appointment undecided.

A counselor followed up with Reese a few days later, and she shared that she wanted to keep her baby!