Ruth had always been a problem solver.

Intelligent and independent, she had always forged her own way.

She was moving forward toward completing her college degree and her career was starting to take off.

A pregnancy seemed to get in the way of all of it.

This appeared to be a problem, and she was determined to solve it.

Ruth’s mother and the father of her child had both said they would support her in having the baby, but she felt the answer was abortion.

She went onto Google and searched for abortion information.

She clicked on the first link she saw.

It was a Heroic Media ad, connecting her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.

Ruth came to her appointment prepared to pursue an abortion.

But when she talked to her client advocate, everything began to change.

Her client advocate shared with Ruth the realities of the abortion procedure she thought she wanted, and told her that she deserved better than abortion.

She compassionately communicated to Ruth that there were so many resources available for her, whether she wanted to parent or make an adoption plan.

She encouraged Ruth to lean on the people in her life who wanted to support her and her baby, and that it was a bold and courageous thing to allow others to help her.

Ruth was convinced.

She said she never knew what an abortion actually entailed, and now that she knew, she could never do that.

Her problem had been solved, with the solution she had never expected.

She was encouraged to be bold, and emboldened, she took a stand for herself and her baby.

She chose life!