At age 19, Sadie faced one of her biggest fears: an unexpected pregnancy.

She and her 21 year-old boyfriend live with his parents.

Sadie was scared to bring a child into this situation.

She told her boyfriend and his parents.

The parents’ advice was to abort the child, although they would support any decision.

Sadie felt like abortion was her only option, so she searched online for information.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the phone number on the screen and came in the next day.

At the appointment, Sadie discussed her situation with counselors.

She shared that she was a believer but did not want to talk about spiritual matters.

Sadie had an ultrasound after speaking with the counselors, and something changed.

She was excited to see her baby.

Sadie and her boyfriend agreed that they wanted to give their child the amazing gift of life!