Samantha was planning on getting an abortion moments after finding out she was pregnant.

She did not feel capable of becoming a mother as a college student.

Samantha no longer had a relationship with the father of the baby, so she did not feel like she had much support.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a staff member on the phone, and agreed to come in for an ultrasound and talk about her concerns.

Samantha shared with the counselor that she has concerning health issues, along with financial stress, and minimal support from her family.

She was overwhelmed at the thought of bringing a child into this world.

Samantha had an ultrasound, and her mindset began to change.

By the end of her appointment, she shared that she is willing to face these challenges and parent her baby!

With the support of this life-affirming center and God’s grace, Samantha was able to say yes to life!