Samantha is a young mother of four children who faced an unexpected pregnancy at age 29.

She felt overwhelmed when she found out she was pregnant with her fifth child.

Samantha was worried that she was not stable financially or mentally.

She turned to the internet for information about getting an abortion.

Samantha found a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media through a Heroic Media Google ad.

She was connected to the center, and sought information about abortion.

She came in for an appointment before telling her husband about the pregnancy.

At her appointment, Samantha shared her burdens with the counselor.

She talked about her youngest child needing medical care.

Samantha was afraid to tell her husband because she wanted to follow through with the procedure.

She shared that she thinks he would be a great father to this baby, and said she would share the news with him later that night.

Samantha has a history of depression and anxiety, so she was afraid to take on another child in the midst of her struggles.

She came back for an ultrasound appointment.

At this appointment, she accepted Jesus as her Savior AND chose life for her baby!

Praise God for this redemptive story!