Sandra is a 17 year-old who faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She was ready to graduate high school, and had plans to attend college in the fall.

Sandra was worried that having a child would ruin her plans for the future.

She felt that she had no other choice than to abort her baby.

Sandra searched online for information about getting an abortion and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Sandra came in to the center the following day, fully thinking she was going to get an abortion.

She did not tell anyone that she was pregnant because she did not want anyone to know about her getting an abortion.

During the appointment, Sandra was counseled through her options and had an ultrasound.

When she heard her baby’s heartbeat, she told the nurse that she always had thought about having a large family, but that she did not know it would be this soon.

Sandra knew she could not go through with an abortion after the ultrasound.

She brought her boyfriend to her follow-up appointment, and he thanked the staff for helping save the life of his baby.

He said that Sandra probably would not have told him about the pregnancy if she had not come in to that center.