Sarah is a married woman who did not expect to get pregnant again.

She is the mother of a 2-year-old child, and she did not want to have another baby.

When Sarah told her husband about the pregnancy, he was shocked, but supportive of whatever decision she wanted to make.

They talked about their options, and began to consider abortion.

Sarah’s husband Googled information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected him to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

He had a 6-minute call with the center, and made an appointment for his wife.

During the appointment, Sarah had a pregnancy test confirmation, and learned about abortion procedures and consequences.

After counseling, her husband was on-board with parenting, but Sarah was hesitant.

She had an ultrasound, and the scan showed a healthy, 7-week-old baby.

She became less abortion-minded after seeing her baby on the screen.

In time, she followed up saying she decided to continue the pregnancy!

Sarah’s husband shared that he was grateful for the center’s help.