Sarah faced an unintended pregnancy at age 21 with someone who was not her husband.

Her husband is in the military, and she wanted to have an abortion before he returned from deployment.

She searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

Sarah clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She explained that she was in a hurry to get an abortion, so she set up an appointment to find out her options.

During her appointment, the nurse listened to Sarah talk about her state of loneliness and reasons she felt it would be tragic to have this baby.

After Sarah saw her baby on the ultrasound screen, she became emotional.

She could not ignore what she saw in her womb.

Sarah left that day undecided, but after several follow-up calls and appointments, she decided to continue her pregnancy.

Sarah knew it would be a difficult road ahead with her husband, but she chose life!

She was grateful for the support she received from our partner.

Sarah shared that meeting with the staff helped remind her that she is not alone.

Praise God!