Shannon is the mother of a 1-year-old, and found herself pregnant unexpectedly again.

She was overwhelmed at the thought of having to raise another child on her own.

Shannon started to consider abortion. She searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

After speaking with the receptionist, she realized this was not the first time she was in contact with the center.

Shannon had been involved in the clinic’s program with her 1-year-old.

She agreed to come in and speak with a counselor about her situation.

Shannon met with the nurse to have a pregnancy test confirmation and an ultrasound.

She shared that she was surprised she was reconnected to the center, and felt it was a “God thing.”

The staff encouraged Shannon, and assured her of the support they would provide just like they did with her 1-year-old.

Shannon was grateful that she would not have to go through her pregnancy alone.

She chose to parent her precious baby!

Praise Jesus!