Shannon walked through the doors of one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Sarasota, Florida after finding out she was pregnant unintendedly.

She is an 18-year-old who got pregnant with her boyfriend for the first time.

Shannon and her boyfriend were shocked to find out the news.

They did not think they would ever consider abortion until they actually faced an unexpected pregnancy.

Shannon turned to her phone for answers to her questions about abortion, and clicked a Heroic Media ad that led her to call the center.

She spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and agreed to come in with her boyfriend the next day.

During the appointment, the counselors went over abortion procedures and risks, along with information about parenting and adoption.

The young couple expressed that if they were to continue the pregnancy, they would consider adoption.

Shannon and her boyfriend both stated they are Christians, and attend church.

After having an ultrasound, Shannon and her boyfriend stated they were excited about seeing their baby on the screen.

They left that day not knowing whether they would choose adoption or parenting, but they knew they wanted to choose life!

A counselor followed up with Shannon a few weeks later, and she stated they plan to place their baby for adoption.

Praise God for this wonderful gift!