Shelby did not know what to do when she faced an unforeseen pregnancy.

She is a 15-year-old who already has a 1-year-old baby.

Shelby was terrified to bring another child into the world at such a young age.

She was overwhelmed, and told her family about the pregnancy.

All of her family and friends besides her sister-in-law encouraged her to get an abortion, but Shelby was conflicted because she does not support abortion.

She still looked online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Shelby came in the next day for an appointment.

Shelby discovered she was nearly 19 weeks pregnant.

She learned about 2nd trimester abortion risks and procedures.

After counseling, Shelby stated that she could not go through with an abortion.

She decided to talk to her mother about wanting to keep her baby.

In a follow up, Shelby shared that she will parent her baby!

Thanks be to God!