Shelby is a 26-year-old woman who came into a local pregnancy center seeking an abortion.

She faced an unplanned pregnancy shortly after her own mother died, so she felt alone and depressed about being able to handle a pregnancy.

Shelby did not feel that she was able to take on the responsibility of a mother when she had just lost her own.

She searched on her cell phone for information about getting an abortion.

Shelby clicked on a Google ad placed by Heroic Media, and was connected to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Shelby spoke on the phone with a staff member at the center and made an appointment to come in the next day.

The staff met with Shelby and listened to all of her concerns as they discussed her options.

Shelby had an ultrasound that showed she was 15 weeks pregnant.

After the ultrasound, she decided she wanted to continue her pregnancy! Shelby was open to talking about adoption.

She made an appointment with an adoption agency to begin that process.

Praise God for saving the life of this baby and providing adoption as an option!