Sofia faced an unexpected pregnancy with her boyfriend. When he found out she was pregnant, he was upset.

He wanted to find out information about abortion for his girlfriend, so he searched online.

Sofia’s boyfriend clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media ad that connected him to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

He made an appointment for his girlfriend, and came in with her the next day.

At the appointment, the staff confirmed that Sofia was around 8 weeks pregnant.

She met with a peer counselor, and shared that she has two children from a previous relationship.

She was not planning on having another child.

Sofia was given information about abortion procedures and risks.

She shared that she does not support abortion and feels really bad to even think about it.

After counseling, Sofia said she will continue with her pregnancy with or without her boyfriend’s help.

Praise God for giving Sofia the courage to choose life!